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Liner Guide | Ottobock 7 Donning and doffing the liner 1 Turn the Ottobock liner inside out as far as possible and hold it such that the bulge at the lower end (cap) is visible. Please check whether the residual limb and inside of the liner are dry and free of dirt particles. 2 Position the closed end of the liner parallel to the residual limb The liner gives individuals with a transfemoral fitting in combination with one-way valves or the electronic Harmony system a secure hold and a high level of comfort when wearing their prosthesis. And thanks to its especially sturdy sealing ring, the Skeo Sealing securely maintains the vacuum in the prosthetic socket, directly sealing the system. Liners.
Liner 6Y90 och 6Y92 är gjorda av termoplastiskt formbara copolymerer och har en cylindrisk form och textilöverdrag. Det användarvänliga materialet tar inte bara hand om torr hud, utan skyddar även mot fria radikaler. Båda liners är lämpliga för många stumptyper, särskilt de med torr hud. Ottobock Socket Technologies ensure that a highly individual part of your prosthesis, the sec-tion that is in direct contact with your residual limb, is adapted to you and your specific require-ments.
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A lineren található vákuumgyűrű gondoskodik a folyamatos vákuumról, így a protézis stabilan rögzül a csonkon. Description Addressing Liner Slippage. Ottobock's Anatomic 3D PUR Liner, introduced in 2011, combines several innovations to solve common problems such as liner slippage when skin moisture builds up.
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They create a seal around the socket’s top edge. After donning a liner (which acts as a second skin) and a prosthetic sock, you insert your residual limb into the socket.
For amputees of all lifestyles and activity levels. Optional wave feature for maximum comfort. Silky surface allows liner to slide on itself for easy donning and doffing. Iceross Seal-In X Locking liner for trans-tibial amputees combines the benefits of locking suspension with the benefits of vacuum suspension. Ottobock is a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of prosthetic limbs, including the C-leg microprocessor knee, orthotic supports and wheelchairs that facilitate independence.
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Liner také velmi rychle schne sám o sobě, pomůžete mu ale letmým osušením ručníkem. Proč má Skeo Sealing pouze dvě možnosti umístění těsnícího kroužku? U Skeo Sealing může být těsnící kroužek umístěn 10 nebo 17 cm od spodního konce pahýlu. 100 anni Ottobock – Quality for life Per 100 anni, le persone sono state al centro di tutto ciò che facciamo – fedeli ai nostri valori "umano, affidabile e innovativo".
3 mm wall thickness. Non-stick outer surface for easy entry into the socket. Silky, textured inner surface for improved connection and enhanced comfort. Durable and easy to clean.
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Ortopediskt Magasin 1 2013 by mikael torneman - issuu
A Global leader in orthopaedics, Össur employs the smartest minds and the most advanced technologies to help keep people mobile. The 6Y81 ProSeal liner is a special, durable silicone liner for users who have transfemoral vacuum socket prostheses. ProSeal ring technology can be used in transfemoral applications with this liner. The special, smooth exterior coating makes it easy to put on and take off the liner. Ottobock recommends copolymer liners for individuals with a low activity level.