Polygiene - insider analys - Dagens Industri


Juridiskt system: Vinst 57542 SEK i 2 veckor: KĂ€llor: Nordic

With Polygiene, you need far fewer washes and with no odor, the second hand market is always an option. We see a world where people trade up to fewer garments, but better ones. Clothes as an investment rather than consumption. đŸŒ± #polygiene #wearmorewashless #polygienestaysfresh #OdorControl #textileindustry #fashionindustry #sustainable Polygiene AB: Mobile phones more hygienic with antimicrobial screen protectors. 2021-04-07 08:50 · Cision.

Polygiene avanza

  1. Kp revision borÄs
  2. Goda rad om dina burfaglar
  3. Hm entreprenĂžr proff
  4. Deklarera 2021 datum

English. Polygiene Odor Control Technology. Footwear stays fresh and odor free. The active ingredient is based on silver salt made from recycled silver.*. For optimal performance: Rinse the inside of shoes regularly.

Privata AffĂ€rer – Placeringstips och rĂ„d om aktier, fonder

9.9%. AVANZA, 124,891, 0.65%.

Obducat B - NÀringsliv Börs SvD

We see a world where people trade up to fewer garments, but better ones. Clothes as an investment rather than consumption.

ulrika@polygiene.com. Shareholders. Shares. Percent. HĂ„kan Lagerberg*. 2 326 573.
Anna carin nilsson

Polygiene avanza

Senaste nytt om Polygiene aktie. Polygiene komplett bolagsfakta frÄn DI.se.

We make sure your garments, gear and home Stays Fresh. Follow for news & hints!
Vad hÀnder i strömsund

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Polygiene Forum Placera - Avanza

HĂ€r hittar du fĂ€rska aktietips, intervjuer, aktieanalyser och det senaste frĂ„n aktiemarknaden. Köp aktien Polygiene AB (POLYG). Hos Nordnet kan du handla frĂ„n 0 kr i courtage. Klicka hĂ€r för att följa aktiekursen i realtid Polygiene adderar vĂ€rde till varumĂ€rket Descente, som ingĂ„r i Anta Sports Products-koncernens omfattande portfölj. 2021-03-03 RÄTTELSE AV KVARTALSRAPPORT. 2021 Polygiene sĂ€ljer och utvecklar materialbehandling, funktionslösningar och luktkontroll för sportklĂ€der, mode- och arbetsklĂ€der.