Euro – Wikipedia


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The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the 19 European Union countries which have adopted the euro. Our main task is to maintain price stability in the euro area and so preserve the purchasing power of the single currency. Valūtas kurss . Atjaunots 17.04.2021Avots: Eiropas Centrālā banka. EIRO.

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Financial corporations. Financial markets and interest rates. Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics. Balance of payments and other external statistics.

Euro – Wikipedia

Valūtas kurss . Atjaunots 17.04.2021Avots: Eiropas Centrālā banka.

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an hour ago · markets. Canadian Dollar Jumps Most in 10 Months on Asset Purchase Cuts. Gada sākumā Eiropas Centrālās bankas (ECB) kurss liecināja, ka viens eiro maksā 45,28 Krievijas rubļus. Pašlaik ECB noteiktais kurss par vienu eiro ir virs 75  1999. gada sākumā ECB noteica eiro kursu pret ASV dolāru 1,17 līmenī.

Keine Überraschung: 22.04.2021 14:05:17 EZB bestätigt geldpolitischen Kurs. A A Der Rat der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) hat seine sehr 16 timmar sedan · DJ EZB bestätigt geldpolitischen Kurs --Leitzinsen und Forward Guidance zu Zinsen bleiben unverändert --PEPP-Monats- und Gesamtvolumen bleiben unverändert --EZB bestätigt Forward Guidance 16 timmar sedan · Ultralockerer Kurs bis März 2022 EZB setzt weiter auf Geldschwemme Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt für die geldpolitische Wende?
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Ecb kurss

The euro foreign exchange reference rates (also known as the ECB reference rates) are published by the ECB at around 16:00 CET. Reference rates for all the official currencies of non-euro area Member States of the European Union and world currencies with the most liquid active spot FX markets are set and published. EUR 1 = USD 1.1746 0.0021(0.2%) Change from 31 March 2020 to 1 April 2021. Min (23 April 2020) 1.0772.

Valūtas kods, ECB kurss, Mēs pērkam, Mēs pārdodam. USD, 1.20350, 1.23610, 1.18780. RUB, 91.75270, 94.44350, 89.23450.
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Europeiska centralbanken (ECB) sätter fart på sedelpressarna efter en tids stigande långräntor.