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Rapporterade fall • Människobett - LookForDiagnosis

A flap is created from the lower lip and sewn into position in the upper lip. The width of the flap is equal to one-half the width of the defect. The flap is based medially (towards the center) on a relatively thin pedicle. 5. After 4 to 6 weeks the pedicle is divided and the lips are released. Abbe Estlander Flap for Lip Reconstruction in a Patient With Skin Cancer of the Lower Lip. This flap has a named artery and an excellent blood supply. The pedicle of the flap is very small.

Estlander lip flap

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For such cases, the Estlander flap technique is often used, although displacement of the oral An Estlander flap can also be used for larger medial defects involving more than one-third of the lower lip. The defect created by the wedge excision (Fig. 6.44a) is covered by making a three-layer incision through the lower lip at the commissure and advancing the lip into the defect (Fig. 6.44a, b). Estlander flap - a full-thickness flap of the lip, transferred from the side of one lip to the same side of the other lip.

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Lip reconstruction. Reconstruction of oral commissure. Surgical flaps. Issue Date: Jun-2019.

All The Hil Doc Eras—Estlander

successfully reconstructed a large defect of the upper lip The wedge-shaped flap, based on the inferior labial artery, is rotated around the angle of the mouth into the defect. a The Estlander flap is cut through all layers of the lower lip.

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Estlander lip flap

Results: The patient has satisfactory results in terms of aesthetic and functional outcome. Conclusion: The aim of the current work is to report a case of surgical therapy of the lower lip using a modified Abbe-Estlander flap. 2015-06-19 · FIGURE 6.

Moreover, to extend the entire upper lip, the incision line was designed along the columella base and the base of the nasal wing up to the nasal wing on the unaffected side (Figures 1 a, 2 a). The Abbe flap has an excellent cosmetic result when it is used to replace the entire philtrum of the upper lip.
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Rapporterade fall • Människobett - LookForDiagnosis

Abbe Estlander Flap for Lip Reconstruction in a. Patient With Skin Cancer of the Upper Lip  16 Dec 2020 Estlander 35 described a single-stage full-thickness cross-lip flap based on the labial artery for closure of lower lip defects near the commissure  Versatility of the estlander flap: upper lip, lower lip and comissure reconstruction due to a dog bite. 14 Oct 2019 Repair of Lip Commissure Defects With Estlander Flaps Simon G. Talbot Julian J. Pribaz DEFINITION Defects of the lips may occur from  Estlander,4 presumably without knowledge of Hierzel's lateral cross-lip flap, described in 1872 a lateral cross-lip flap from the upper lip to reconstruct the lower lip. For reconstruction of the lip, a classical rotation flap (Estlander flap) is used together with a myomucosal flap, which is both innervated and expandable. 26 Jan 2021 The Abbe and Estlander flaps are pedicled lip-switch flaps in which the pedicle must be divided, usually 3 weeks after interpolation.