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Only nominated students will be able to access the application module. DOCUMENTS TO BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR APPLICATION Wherever you are in Aarhus , change your money in a foreign money changer offering a lesser cost. Access the most convenient information (map, address, phone number, web site, opening hours) about the foreign currency exchange offices near you. Information for incoming exchange students Incoming exchange students are students from a foreign institution who study at BTECH for one or two semesters according to a bilateral agreement between the students' home institution and Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. On this page, you can read more about the different courses and how to apply. Business Academy Aarhus offers exchange semesters for a variety of programmes. An AP degree programme lasts 2-2½ years and awards between 120-150 ECTS credits.

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We recommend that you use Google Chrome or Firefox to complete the online application. Please note that as an exchange student you must enroll in 25 ECTS or 30 ECTS during your exchange semester. 30 ECTS is considered full time for regular degree-seeking students. Choosing courses in the online Course Selection Form.

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With HomeExchange, you will find homes to welcome you  UniSA exchange deadline. August 1st to go on exchange in SP2. January 11th to go on exchange in SP5. Enquire · How to apply · Go back to search. 30 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Campus.
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Writers from different  Theme 2: Recruitment, admissions and exchange study information and counselling on web (Mona Ægidius and Anne Højegaard-Vibild, Aarhus University) Nordic countries Europe Outside Europe. Nordic countries. Denmark Arkitektskolen i Aarhus · Danmarks Designskole · Designskolen Kolding av T Andersson · 2020 — 4 docent, överläkare, Århus universitetssjukhus, Danmark. expansion of the previously described kidney exchange program STEP, and the  DK-8210 AARHUS V. Jette Raalskov, International Coordinator. +45 87152396., Deadlines for incoming exchange students is May 1 for  Surf's up!