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Artiklar/Databaser - Omvårdnad - LibGuides at Dalarna
PsycINFO is of use to people in education, communication, medicine, business, and other disciplines, as well as psychology and psychiatry. PsycARTICLES is the companion product, indexing and providing full text for journals primarily from the APA, the Canadian Psychological Association, and a few other titles. PsycINFO is the core database in Psychology, and should be the first one to search. PsycINFO ScienceDirect and PubMed focus more on the General and Health sciences, but also contain Psychology related research. Lloyd Sealy Library John Jay College of Criminal Justice 899 10th Avenue, New York, New York 10019 Mailing address: 524 West 59th Street, New York, New York 10019 Phone: (212) 237-8246 Fax: (212) 237-8221 libref@jjay.cuny.edu Staff login Top of page PsycINFO (EBSCO) More comprehensive information than PsycARTICLES or PsycBooks. Access to some full-text, abstracts, book chapters and dissertations from APA PsycINFO provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines.
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The database is enriched with literature from an array of disciplines related to psychology such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work. PsycINFO. Referenser till tidskriftsartiklar, böcker, avhandlingar och forskningsrapporter inom psykologi och angränsande ämnen såsom psykiatri, sociologi, omvårdnad, pedagogik och antropologi. Möjlighet finns att avgränsa sökningen till vetenskapligt granskade artiklar (peer reviewed). Referenser till faktagranskad litteratur inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden så som psykiatri, medicin, fysiologi, sociologi, språkvetenskap med mera.
Psycinfo / PsycArticles: Omvårdnad - Guide för
Databas inom psykologi med omfattande indexering och abstract inom internationell litteratur inom psykologi från 1800-talet och framåt. Databasen PsycINFO. Om databasen. Innehåller över 3 miljoner referenser till litteratur inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden såsom psykiatri, medicin, fysiologi Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan.
PsycINFO - en introduktion
Although PsycLIT and PsycINFO are frequently used interchangeably, there are significant differences between the two. As previously described, PsycINFO is an on-line database; in contrast, PsycLIT is a CD-ROM database derived APA PsycInfo offers a broad view of the behavioral and social sciences, and represents a time-tested core of research literature and findings necessary for any comprehensive psychology collection. Authoritative and High-Quality. The content in APA PsycInfo is selected by APA experts based on quality and relevance to the field.
Our indexers tag and categorize each item in PsycINFO so searchers can more easily locate
PsycINFO [electronic resource]. Uniform Title: PsycINFO (Online); Imprint: [ Bethesda, Md.] : Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
Historic PsycINFO contains citations and abstracts from Psychological Abstracts ( 1927-1966), Psychological Bulletin (1921-1926), American Journal of
Mar 4, 2021 Includes multiple library databases and the Library Catalog. PsycINFO. Library subscription database.
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2021-03-16 · About the PsycINFO Thesaurus.
From the American Psychological Association. Contains over two million citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters,
Nearly 2500 journals are indexed in PsycINFO, the database is updated weekly, and it contains 4.5 million records.
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Lathund till Databaser A-Ö. Gå direkt till: CINAHL ClinicalKey Embase PsycINFO PubMed UpToDate.