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This proprietary coupling technique is the key to thromboresistance and long-term stability. Begovac PC, Thomson RC, Fisher JL, Hughson A, Gällhagen A. Improvements in GORE-TEX® Vascular Graft performance by Carmeda® BioActive Surface heparin immobilization. European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 2003;25(5):432-437. Lindholt JS, Gottschalksen B, Johannesen N, et al. CARMEDA ® BioActive Surface (also known as CBAS ® Heparin Surface) is the clinically most proven heparin coating technology commercially available.

Carmeda bioactive surface

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The CBAS Heparin Surface stays on the surface and remains bioactive on the EXCOR pump at least up until 1 year. This is an important demonstration of coating durability and supports the mid-term and long-term clinical use as bridge-to-heart transplantation or to myocardial recovery. In the following experiments, we evaluated the heparin-bonded Carmeda Bioactive Surface (Medtronics Cardiopulmonary, Anaheim, Calif.) in an in vitro model of extracorporeal circulation at standard-dose heparin (5 U/ml), to examine the effects of the surface treatment on activation of blood elements, and at reduced-dose heparin (1 U/ml), to 16. Begovac PC, Thomson RC, Fisher JL, Hughson A, Gällhagen A. Improvements in GORE-TEX vascular graft performance by Carmeda BioActive surface heparin immobilization. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2003;25:432–437 The luminal surface of the GORE® VIABAHN® Endoprosthesis with Heparin Bioactive is modified with a covalently bound, bioactive heparin technology referred to as the Carmeda BioActive Surface (CBAS®).

Beatrix Alsanius Externwebben - SLU

doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000314. 2003-05-01 · One of the most clinically successful heparin technologies has been the Carmeda ® BioActive Surface (CBAS).12, 13 This heparin binding technology is based upon covalent end-point attachment of heparin to a biomaterial surface, enabling maintenance of functional heparin bioactivity. 2018-01-01 · Carmeda Bioactive surface (Gore) Covalent attachment End-point attached heparin: Vascular graft, stents, oxygenators: 1983: Duraflo II (Baxter Corp) Heparin-surfactant complex being coated from solution: Aortocoronary bypass products: 1988: BioLine coating (Jostra) Covalent and ionically immobilized heparin to polypeptide priming layer The CARMEDA ® BioActive Surface is a clinically proven and lasting thromboresistant heparin coating that actively prevents platelet adhesion and thrombus formation on medical device surfaces.

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What does CBAS stand for? CBAS abbreviation stands for Carmeda BioActive Surface. 2014-10-31 · Medtronic initiated an Urgent Medical Device Recall for 66 distributed Affinity FusionTM Oxygenation Systems with Carmeda Bioactive Surface due to damaged heat exchangers. Product affected by this issue is limited to model CB841 sold stand alone or incorporated in Total Systems TS1614R1 and TS1595R7. Carmeda has a staff of dedicated people in a range of fields, such as Research & Development, Quality Assurance, and Manufacturing. Many of our employees are PhDs, with skills and experience in areas such as polymer & surface chemistry, biomaterials science and biocompatibility, as well as expertise in all aspects of heparin.

The CARMEDA® BioActive Surface is licensed to major medical device companies worldwide. Below is a selection of currently approved products featuring Clinical Durability of the CARMEDA BioActive Surface in EXCOR Ventricular Assist Device Pumps ASAIO J . Mar-Apr 2016;62(2):139-42. doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000314. 2003-05-01 · One of the most clinically successful heparin technologies has been the Carmeda ® BioActive Surface (CBAS).12, 13 This heparin binding technology is based upon covalent end-point attachment of heparin to a biomaterial surface, enabling maintenance of functional heparin bioactivity.
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Carmeda bioactive surface

Information on this server is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non Begovac PC, Thomson RC, Fisher JL, Hughson A, Gällhagen A. Improvements in GORE-TEX ® Vascular Graft performance by Carmeda ® BioActive Surface heparin immobilization. European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 2003;25(5):432-437. Freeman J, Chen A, Weinberg RJ, Okada T, Chen C, Lin PH. Begovac PC, Thomson RC, Fisher JL, Hughson A, Gällhagen A. Improvements in GORE-TEX ® Vascular Graft performance by Carmeda bioactive surface heparin immobilization. Euro- pean Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2003;25(5):432-437.

The Medtronic Carmeda  Aug 15, 2014 the internal layer consists of ePTFE with Carmeda BioActive Surface (CBAS Surface) on the luminar surface. This surface is thromboresistant  Effect of Carmeda® BioActive Surface coating versus Trillium™ Biopassive Surface coating of the oxygenator on circulating platelet count drop.
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Wei Xia - Uppsala University, Sweden

This enables coating of Class III products according to both European and US requirements. The manufacturing infrastructure is flexible and new products can … The CARMEDA® BioActive Surface is licensed to major medical device companies worldwide. Below is a selection of currently approved products featuring Clinical Durability of the CARMEDA BioActive Surface in EXCOR Ventricular Assist Device Pumps ASAIO J. Mar-Apr 2016;62(2):139-42. doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000000314. Authors 2003-05-01 16.