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2015-05-05 · The air that goes through the fan has a velocity that is slightly increased from free stream. So a turbofan gets some of its thrust from the core and some of its thrust from the fan. The ratio of the air that goes around the engine to the air that goes through the core is called the bypass ratio. - Locatie CBR: in Zeeland bevindt het enige theorie examencentrum van het CBR zich in Goes. Heb je vragen over de verschillende theorie-examens of advies nodig? Neem dan contact met ons op via 0113-870071. In theory, that means an engine with a turbocharger is no more fuel efficient than one without.

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Voor de motor theorie cursus in Goes verwachten we je al vroeg op de cursuslocatie. Soms al om 07.00 uur. 2012-12-18T13:32

Facebook Engineers use the term modern roundabout to refer to junctions installed after 1960 that incorporate various design rules to increase safety. Both modern and non-modern roundabouts, however, may bear street names or be identified colloquially by local names such as circle, road circle, traffic circle, rotary, rotunda or island..

While in theory you could run a turbo system without a wastegate by carefully choosing a turbo that will only reach its maximum turbine speed and desired boost pressure at the engine’s max RPM, it’s really not practical in the real world. "I'm building a high power engine, I need a bigger wastegate." False. Run at 14.4 psi, the twin-turbo 6.0L produced 1,078 hp.
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Turbo theorie goes

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Here you can find videos from multiple sites like Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter and lot more. In 1 dag leer jij alles wat nodig is om het officiële CBR theorie examen te halen.
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BBC News, 11 October 2009. Turbos make cars go faster; they can also make them "greener" by improving fuel consumption. Patents.